Post Date:
28 March 2024

During his working visit to Sumy Oblast on 27 March 2024, Volodymyr Zelenskyi (the Ukrainian President) took part in the Made in Ukraine platform. At SumDU, he met with local manufacturers.

“First of all, I would like to thank you for this opportunity to meet with entrepreneurs in this very well-known part of our educational infrastructure – Sumy State University. I am very pleased, Mr. Rector, very pleased that you are hosting us today,” – said the President.

Rector Vasyl KARPUSHA acquainted the President with university research achievements, including those commissioned by enterprises, institutions and organizations. That underlines partnerships between the academic community and manufacturers. It confirms Sumy State University is a powerful scientific and educational center.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi also spoke with Sumy State University students, the young intellectual elite of Ukraine. The President noted that the creators of innovations are primarily young people. He thanked the student community for staying in Ukraine and receiving higher education here despite the war aggression.

“Progress is born by the young. Experience comes later. I would like to thank you for being, studying and helping in Ukraine. This is the land where people live. And you are very important people, because you are the future,” – said Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

The students were interested in returning Ukrainian children illegally deported by Russia. Also, they focused on academic mobility, educational legislation amendments, birth rate, demographic risk prevent.

According to Volodymyr Zelenskyi, security issues are primarily important for increasing the birth rate in times of war. Therefore, it is necessary for educational institutions to have equipped shelters. The oblast has to be provided with modern defense systems.

“We will definitely do everything to ensure that Ukraine lives, that young people have an opportunity to live and develop in Ukraine,” – summarized the President.