Post Date:
07 May 2020

Oleksii Plastun, Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations at Academic and Research Institute of Business Technologies "UAB", topped the ranking of the best economists in Ukraine according to the ranking of one of the world's largest depositories on economic issues RePEc.

RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a joint project of volunteers of 101 countries to disseminate research in economics and related sciences.

The basis of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of scientific papers, articles in journals, software components supported by volunteers for use in various services.

The depository currently contains about 3.1 million research papers from 3,200 journals and 5,000 preprints. More than 55,000 authors are registered on the platform, and 75,000 e-mail subscriptions are served weekly.

This depository maintains a number of rankings of the best institutions and scientists of the world as a whole and in terms of individual countries. As of April 2020, Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations, Doctor of Economics Oleksii Plastun heads the list of the best scientists-economists of Ukraine for the last 10 years, and in the entire history of observations, he is on the second place.

Detailed information on the ranking results can be found at the link.

For reference. This ranking is based on a limited sample of economic and financial research results. Only materials cataloged in RePEc are considered. For any citation-based criteria, only works that could be analyzed by the CitEc project are considered. Only those who are registered in the RePEc authors' service can be taken into account for any ranking of scientists.