Post Date:
03 December 2020

Sumy State University hosted a coordination online meeting of the team of outreach courses on media literacy.

The meeting was held within the tasks of the international grant project DESTIN "Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Development of Standards, Integrity, and Professionalism". The event is organized by the Department of Journalism and Philology of SumDU.

The representatives of ten universities of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Students' Association, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, as well as European partners from Bath Spa University, the World University Service, the Ethnic Journalism Network, and the European Association of Journalists Training joined the discussion on the current issues of content, structure, topics, the technology of the course preparation.

According to Olha Sydorenko, the Deputy Head of the Department of Journalism and Philology at SumDU, the main purpose of media literacy courses is to teach everyone to analyze and critically interpret the information broadcasted by different types of media, determine its veracity, and protect themselves from the hidden influences, to comprehend principles and means of the concealed manipulation and detect them in the media texts.

Currently, the project participants are preparing the pilot courses, the testing is scheduled for February 2021.