
Everyone who wanted to become the author of the free encyclopedia had the opportunity to join the event. Participants learned the Wikipedia educational program, got knowledge and skills in writing and editing articles, got acquainted with the features and specifics of their creation, received the necessary methodical material.

A proper e-learning process is going on at SumDU during the quarantine. The mechanisms of communication between teachers and students - from messaging and social networks to using video communication tools and collective learning from leading world companies - are defined.

On April 22nd, the Head of Sumy Regional State Administration Roman Hryshchenko visited Sumy State University campuses within a working trip. He got acquainted with the innovative potential of the university, the specifics of the educational process during quarantine, and scientific developments of SumDU scientists.

Sumy State University for a second year in a row took the 1st position among Ukrainian HEIs in the University Impact Rankings by Times Higher Education. Overall, the university ranked 201-300 among more than 750 HEIs worldwide.

Another 14 representatives of Sumy State University won the prize places in the All-Ukrainian competition of students’ scientific works, that this year is taking place remotely on the basis of various national higher education institutions. Beforehand 26 works of participants from SumDU were marked.

As a result of the competitive selection of projects, this year Sumy State University will receive state funding for 58 research works, 20 of them for the development of young scientists. This number and amount of funding for state-funded research works are the largest in the history of the university. This was reported by Denys Kurbatov, the Head of Research and Development Sector of SumDU.

On April 14th the first course of training webinars from practitioners in the field of marketing finished. With the transition to distance learning technologies, students were able to discuss topical professional issues with representatives of companies - potential employers.

Recently the university received a positive response from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) regarding grant support to the Research Center for Regional Security for 2020. The financial support of 6,000 Euro will go to the Center's institutional support in conducting regional security studies as well as the level of NATO support; information and advisory support for researchers, students, and everyone interested in security and NATO. Project manager – Ph.D. in Political Science Mykola Nazarov.

Translation training and resource center “LinguoStar” of the Department of German Philology conducts the quarantine training courses and provides translation services to all interested in distance mode.

“The specialists of the center work in the online format. All additional educational services, planned for March-April, are completely carried out using specialized software for organizing web-conferences, online meetings, webinars, namely: Google Meet, Zoom, Skype", - Olha Zhulavska said, the Director of Translation Training and Resource Center "LinguoStar".

Representatives of Sumy State University distinguished themselves at the All-Ukrainian students’ scientific works competition. 26 prize places are the first achievements of SumDU students.

Six studies of young scientists have won the first prize. The best in Ukraine are the works of competitors from SumDU in the following areas: "Power Engineering", "Administrative Law and Procedure; Financial Law; Information Law", "Economics and Economic Policy", "Actual Problems of Cooperation with the European Union", "Banking", "Management of Financial and Economic Security".